Darrin had a rough childhood, growing up the bastard son of rich socialite Jordan Banning. Jordan had no qualms separating his son from his mother, Eileen, who thought Darrin was dead for many years. Darrin grew up spoiled and bratty. He barely took college seriously, but when his father threatened to harm his sister, Reece, Darrin took responsibility for her actions and went to jail for her.
Jail was a sobering experience for Darrin and he grew into a man. Upon his release he met and married his first wife, Andrea. Happiness with her was short lived when she was killed in a traffic accident leaving Darrin alone to raise their infant daughter.
Darrin wants to be happy despite the sadness that’s haunted him all his life. Roger Howarth, best know for his role as “Todd Manning” on the daytime drama, “One Life to Life” is the only one I considered to bring this complicated role to life. Roger is capable of an amazing range, and the character of Darrin will take an actor through his paces. Roger’s soulful eyes capture the depth and soul of Darrin like no other.